Saturday, April 7, 2012

Year of Penny

"Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land you see I will give you." Genesis 13:14-15

So a lot has happened in the last year. God has made some amazing changes in my heart and spirit, and I have found more healing then I ever imagined possible. I moved to Raleigh in January of last year, I went through Mending the Soul, and vowed to not date for a year. In that year I sought after God, a slow and hard process for me, but even with the little action and discipline I put into it, God honored my faith. God is so loving and generous and I can sit here today and see the amazing work he has done. Words fail to describe the changes He has made in me. And I can say with total honesty and little doubt that I know He was the only one who could have brought me from where I was a year ago to where I am now. I am free of many chains and bondage, but let me be honest and say my healing is still a work in process, and I have much more to go. I spent my last year seeking healing, and I will still this year. This year though, will not be focused solely on healing like last year was. This year will be about being faithful in my relationship with God, facing my fears and actually pursuing my dreams. This will be the year of Penny, the year where I will find myself on a map and know that I am where I am supposed to be. The year I will look back on and say I tried so many things and was adventurous. I want to make a difference in other peoples lives, and this year that will be my focus. Pushing myself to develop, and helping others. In a year I will be on my way to Greece to work with young woman who are victims of Sex Trafficking. This is my Journey to prepare, and I can not wait to see what God does with and in me.

My starting steps are:
  • Get Organized 
  • Make a Bucket List 
  • Read my Bible daily and Pray
  •  Make a Budget and Stick to it 
  • Exercise and Eat Right 
  • Find an organization to Volunteer with.
  •  Attend Church and small group Weekly
  •  Continue to build friendships and be a better friend

 He who breathes heavenly hope into our hearts will not deceive or fail us when we press forward toward its realization.