Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Seeking The One most worthy to be Sought

You will Find God when you seek God
Jeremiah 29:13-24  You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart I will be found by you

We need to have a full heart pursuit of God. Seek Him with our entire lives, not just when we need Him, or in the morning or before we go to sleep. It should be a continual, in every area of our life pursuit or Him. And He is not playing hide and seek. Taunting you, drawing you closer only to disappear again. When you seek him He is eager to be found.
There are so many ways to draw into his presence and to find Him.  The most important and vital way is to  seek him by opening up his word daily, and get to know him.
We seek him through Prayer, by talking to Him like you would a friend. Tell him about your problems, your day, ask him questions, yell at him. Whatever you feel the need to communicate when you talk he will listen.
Seek him in Worship. Listening to worship music is a spirit directed act that can lead you to Him. In my most vulnerable of moments God has made is presence known to me through the songs I hear and I am most willing and capable of hearing him when I am in the spirit worshiping. There is no better way to soften your heart then worship music. And it is so easily accessible in the world today.

Seek Him and you will find peace, comfort, wisdom, grace. In Him is all we need.

When we seek Him, we can Live through him. He will be in us, through the spirit. We don't have to go to church to find Him. We wake up and He is there in us, when our day sucks, and everything is going wrong. When we hurt, when we rejoice, His Presence is always with us. Through it all.

Acts 17 God made the world and everything in it. He did this so we would see Him and find him near to us. He is all around us in nature to remind us that he is waiting, waiting to be found.

It doesn't matter how we feel, it is about him feeling us. It is not all about us, it is all about him. When we don't feel his presence, we let him feel ours. When we feel far away, we worship and pray anyways.  Because when we act in faith, seek Him, praise Him, talk to Him, get in his word, He is able to overcome all the variables in our lives that are keeping us from Him. We can't do life without him. Let Him love you.

God you are holy, and amazing. I am beyond amazed by the things you do. I am so unworthy, so unholy and messy. I pray you continue to break my heart and draw me towards you. Help me to trust you. To cling to you. God you are my everything. Be my husband. Be the one I adore and love with every fiber of my being. I want to be more like you, but I don't want the changes to be anything other then the changes your love makes to my heart.