Sunday, September 25, 2011

Everyday I realize that I am more typical and normal then I imagine myself to be. I am not the only girl to have my heart broken, not the only girl to graduate college and have no idea what to do with my life. I walk into the self help aisle in a book store and I am instantly reminded that what I am experiencing is not so unique. That helps ease the pain of knowing that I am not alone in my sorrow or struggles or even my happiest thoughts and moments. But before I dismiss my feeling of uniqueness I am reminded that it is not about what we experience that makes us special, it is about the way God uses those moments and how we handle them that make our story truly unique. Every person that is married has an engagement story, but just because 10,000 people all have one, doesn't make the story you have any less unique or special. Every hurt or heart break no matter how cliche the story sounds or how many times people have heard it is never merely "Just Another Story", It is the very essence of you. It is what makes you as a whole unique. when you are quick to compare the moments of your life, the special abilities talents or desires you have and write them off just because you see someone else with similar pieces, I hope that you remember that you are a mosaic, each piece of tile may not be unique, but the artist will use those pieces to create a picture that is. What you are going through matters, He cares, even if it feels like no one else does.